Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Common Father: Part I

We all come from many different places, different situations, and different backgrounds.
But beneath all of those differences, we are bound by a divine commonality of a heavenly Father who not only knows where we've been, but knows where we're going.

Did you know that we have a common Father? Now, I don't mean common as in ordinary. There is nothing ordinary about God. But common in that He is the same Father to me as He is to you. And His love and mercy and grace that can be shared by all is offered to everyone regardless of where they have come from, who they are or who they've been.

This is importent to grasp because we need to take the time to examine our hearts and personally clear away the debris of our past responses and recognize the times we have stopped short of allowing what we have heard and seen and witnessed to really take effect in our lives.

Why should God continue to feed us if we don't chew and swallow and process what's already in our mouths?

Yes, God is our common Father - no matter where you've been, God has a word for you.

He wants us all to gain a deeper understanding of His love, His mercy, and His grace. He desires to enlarge and repair the perameters of our foundational beliefs and restore our hearts.

Father, as we begin to consider how much You love us and how much we need You, prepare our hearts to receive Your Word.

Check out: Psalm 139

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