Monday, June 1, 2009


I am a couch and comforter person. Combine a cold, damp day, a soft, cozy comforter, a good book and a cup of tea and I am a happy camper - an interesting analogy because when it’s cold and damp, I am anything but a happy camper. Anyway, back to topic.
One day as I was sitting under one of my favorite down comforters, I found myself in a deep conversation and contemplation with the Lord. I had been going through some difficult times and was feeling very overwhelmed. As I prayed, my attention was drawn to the design on the comforter. The lines swirled up and down and resembled a continuous train of lofty mountains and deep valleys. I laughed to myself and said, “Lord, that looks like my walk with you. I’m either struggling to get up to the victory of the mountaintop, or I’m trapped down in the shadowed sadness of the valley.”
As I changed my position to get more comfortable, I looked back down at the quilt and noticed that the design had also changed position. It now looked like a level meandering stream with no height or depth. The Lord spoke clearly to my heart: “Child, your hopelessness has affected your perspective. The journey was once a straight line to me, but sin entered the world and made the straight way crooked. If you allow my Spirit to direct you, I will make your way a level path. You just happen to be on one side of the curve and cannot see around the bend. It is the nature of the journey that causes your faith to grow. Believe that as you depend on me and deepen your walk, I will lead you in the way you should go. And, by the way, Child, it is no coincidence that you are sitting under a Comforter.”

Dear Father, guide me in the way I should go. Help me to find shelter and comfort under the shadow of your sings. Send your Holy Spirit to comfort and direct my path.

Check out: John 14:16; 14:26

1 comment:

  1. Wow girl, you do fast work! Fun to continue reading daily.
