Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day Seventeen: Give Support

Give … Support

Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees.

Job 4:4
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. Ps 94:18

There are many different aspects to support. There is monetary support, emotional support, physical support and spiritual support. We give money, lend an ear, provide a help, and say a prayer. Whether we are supported by kindly actions, loving words or heartfelt gestures, human nature responds positively to genuine support. But do we really understand how utterly necessary it is to lend an all-inclusive support? The kind that draws its strength and purpose from God?

Think about living in a house, under a roof that was not properly supported. Would you feel safe? Would you sleep peacefully knowing that at any moment the roof could literally cave in on you? It is a matter of degree. Lending just a little, superficial support when what is needed is full-commitment support is like making the beams in a house out of balsa wood. There is an appearance of support but not enough to make those within the house feel safe and valued.

Support that is given with the right motive and drawn from the right source has the ability to transform those who receive it. If you give monetary support, give with all your heart; if you give emotional; support give with all your soul; if you give physical support, give until it hurts; and if you give spiritual support, give until you touch the very throne of God.

Father-God, your love lifts me above the storm. Your strong arms support and cradle me. May Your arms be my arms as I give support to others.

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