Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Needing God: Part IV

The next perspective goes from the singular to the plural:

We need God. There is a collective need for God that requires special consideration. How do we interact with each other? As a church? As a family? What are the special needs of the group and how are they different from the singular need?

First, and most important, unless every member of the “we “group is a full-fledged member of the “I” group, there will be discord. In order to be able to function in any kind of group, each person who claims to know God and represent Him needs to seek that deep, independent relationship with the Father; otherwise, we have a tendency to want to either get our needs met by the other members of the “we” group or to exert our control over those we feel are slacking.

To be effective, we need to be of one mind and one spirit; we can’t do that unless we are individually committed to God on His terms.

Group dynamics can be difficult to maneuver through. Personalities flair, especially when the group is formed for a purpose. Even some of the disciples had trouble with understanding how “God first” affects their relationships with others (Matthew 20:20-28).

The premise of “we” needing God is that there needs to be a sensitivity when we get together, not to point fingers and judge who is or isn’t right with God, but to understand how our individual relationship with the Lord affects others. We do not exist in a spiritual vacuum – we are light – we are salt.

Father-God, beyond my own individual need for You, I realize that when we gather, we need to seek Your face together. As we submit to You, give us one heart and one mind.

Check out: Acts 2:42-47

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