Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day Twenty: Give Blessings

Give … Blessings

God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. 2Co 9:8
God's best to you! Christ's blessings on you! Phm 1:3

Give freely and spontaneously. Don't have a stingy heart. The way you handle matters like this triggers GOD, your God's, blessings in everything you do, all your work and ventures. De 15:10

And God bless Mommy and Daddy, and my brother, Jack, and my dog, Sam. From an early age, parents teach their children to pray before going off to bed. What do we begin with? We teach them to ask for God to bless others. Deep down we know that to be blessed is a good thing – it means peace, prosperity, and benefits.

In the Old Testament if you had good health, many children, and a plentiful harvest you were considered blessed by God. Ill health, however, barrenness and failed crops meant that you had somehow disobeyed God and were cursed. This direct “it is or it isn’t” was easy to identify. But today, it’s not always so cut and dried. Many devout Christians battle illnesses, are not able to have children and have dealt with financial difficulties.

Are these people excluded from God’s blessings? Certainly not! The blessings that come from God are not restricted to material possessions and outward signs. It is true that if we have committed our all to God that He will provide all of our needs. But the true nature of blessing encompasses the peace that passes all understanding, the prosperity of well-being and inner health, the benefit of Christ’s sacrifice, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. The call is to look beneath the surface and go deeper.

Father-God, I bless your name. You are the God of enough. Show me how to be a blessing to someone in need.

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