Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Devotion of My Youth

I think that my relationship with God is like a marriage. Here are some questions to consider that helps make a spiritual relationship more concrete:

If God was my husband and my relationship with him was based on not only the quantity of time I spent with him, but the quality of time I spent, what would it be like?

What if the only time I spoke to my husband was in the presence of others?

What if I never spent personal, intimate quiet time with him?

What if I only spoke to him two times a week? Wednesday night and Sunday morning?

What if I only talked to him on holidays?

What if the only time I visited with my husband, all I did was talk and never listen?

What would the relationship be like if I not only allowed another to be a part of the relationship, but actually invited someone else in?

Lover of my soul, I know that I am Your delight. You desire a spiritually intimate relationship with each and every son and daughter in Your Kingdom.

Jer. 2:2 says, “I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert through a land not sown.”


  1. Jody, I've given you an award over at my blog. Have a great week! :O)
