Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Consider perception:

Perception. Technically, it has to do with observation of what is around you and processing that information into meaningful patterns that relate to the reality of our “inner world.” That’s a mouthful! Basically, perception has to do with our own reality and how new experiences are interpreted and understood.

You’ve heard how two people can see the same accident and come out with different accounts. They each take in the scene and process it through their own experiences, truths, and values. This unconscious act can interfere with our ability to communicate.

My perceptions of a person or an event affect how I verbally relate to those around me. Let’s say that I am new to a church. I walk in just as the pastor is talking about the need to tithe. I take in that information, and it is processed through my experiences, beliefs, and values. If I’ve had a bad experience with a church misusing their funds, I will negatively perceive this new request from the pastor, and I will probably foster an attitude. And what if that same pastor comes up to me after church and introduces himself. I produce a tight smile, mumble a weak “Hello,” and quickly move away toward the door. My perceptions of the pastor as a money-seeking charlatan has affected my willingness to connect.

So as Christians, how do we deal with the perceptions of our inner world?

We need to seek transparency before God. There is a conflict between our worldly natures and the Spirit – there is a difference between our sometimes unstable, changing perception sets and deep, truthful understanding that comes from God residing in our inner man. God’s view of perception draws from His Standard of understanding, considering, observing, thinking and regarding.

Father of all Truth, may Your Word and Your Spirit be the spring from which I draw my conclusions about the people and events that surround me.

Check out: Matthew 13:14-15

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